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Kelley Moore

From Work, Your Way by Lisa Hufford:

Here at Simplicity, we genuinely value the importance of building your personal brand! This is an ongoing process that we implore all of our consultants to take part in - without a personal brand

Learn more about working your way at www.simplicityci.com!

Video Transcript: Hi, I'm Kelley Moore. And I'm coming to you from my boat, where I work for Simplicity as a consultant. And today I want to talk to you a little bit about building your personal brand. I read Lisa's book, "Work Your Way" and one of the things that really resonated with me is when she talked about putting your strengths and your passions together to build your brand. I couldn't agree more. But when I built my brand, I also took it up one other level and I thought about what are those snapshots in my life that I was happiest and how do I translate that into a career? Well, actually it took me back to when I was 8 years old and I threw a surprise party for my mom. I thought - she was happy, her guests were happy. And at the end of the day, it seemed like everybody connected to build a memorable moment. That took me into a career in event planning, eventually television, and now storytelling through video. Then I realized I was going to have to communicate the essence of my brand in a quick and concise way. So I came up with a mission statement and my mission statement is to create an event, share a story and video that connects people and brands in a creative, impactful, and meaningful way. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be direct and clear. For instance, if I get placed in a role and I'm working with a client and it isn't exactly what I do or I don't think it fits their need then I'm direct with them and I let them know what my skillset is and why I feel like they need me. The last thing I can't emphasize enough is to be authentic. People connect with people. Share your story like you're at a party - casually. Don't worry about being perfect. Just be you. Build your brand. Do what you love. I did, it's completely worth it.

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