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Stand Out on LinkedIn!

Stay relevant on LinkedIn: Learn how to create and optimize your "About" section for maximum impact!

About the speaker:
Mary Alex (she goes by her initials M-A) “early-retired” from Microsoft/LinkedIn in 2021 where she worked for the last 6 years. Her first role at Microsoft was as a “Community Development Specialist” and then, as a “LinkedIn Ambassador” for two. During her employment, M-A delivered LinkedIn skill sets at diverse public-speaking events and online webinars, where she taught different classes to effectively use the platform from a strict data and AI-driven perspective. During her final two years at Microsoft, M-A served as an Account Executive in both the philanthropies and commercial sectors of the business.

Prior to Microsoft and for twenty years, M-A worked in the nonprofit/philanthropy sector raising operating budgets, managing charities’ social media and marketing, and conducting program management from start-up stage to financial sustainability. A recent engagement was for the Dave Matthews Band’s Foundation (the singer), where she helped the band members to strategically invest their philanthropy assets in hundreds of nonprofits.

M-A now resides outside of the Metro DC area in Charlottesville, VA and has her own boutique consulting firm "Be All LinkedIn". Her sweet spot for her consulting practice is helping "seasoned" professionals to recraft their profiles in a more contemporary voice to combat ageism. She also consults with nonprofits to maximize their use of the platform, small to medium-sized businesses, and individuals who want to change entire sectors to reinvent themselves on their LinkedIn profiles.

Want to make sure your profile is up to par? Connect with MA on LinkedIn!

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