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Ensure a Successful Contract Close-out

Simplicity Consultants are known for working hard to help their clients shine - from kick-off to close-out, and part of the value we bring is ensuring that the transition is smooth. In other words, ending each contract on a high note (for both the consultant and the client)!

From Work, Your Way by Lisa Hufford:

"Leave the team better: When you end your contract, you should be able to definitively articulate how your work and contributions made the team better."

Video Transcript: Hello, my name is Lisa Giles, a Simplicity Consultant specializing in communications and project management. Today, I want to highlight one of Lisa Hufford's rock star rules from Chapter Eight of her book, Work, Your Way. This is rule number 10: End On a High Note, and these are the three things I recommend ensuring a successful contract close out. Number one, create a detailed transition document. Number two, connect your work back to the client success. And number three, let the client know that you are grateful for the opportunity to bring positive impact to their team. My goal as a consultant is to put frameworks and processes in place that empower the client to shine and focus on the aspects of their business that most need their attention. My skills and talents enable me to take over the comms and planning piece, so they have an open runway for success. I view the closeout of the project the same way, I provide a transition document that houses all of the links to documents, protocols and processes that I have developed to ensure the team can continue successfully. It also contains additional recommendations and next steps. Not only does this leave them prepared, but it acts as an impact statement of your contribution to the project and how you set the client up for future success. As I was closing out my last project, that client thanked me for providing the team with a way to put their impact into action for providing a pathway for all of their plans to come off the page and come to life. Give your best so that you can leave the best impression behind. Not only does this leave the client satisfied, but it drives positive referrals for you to land your next project.

The ultimate goal is to show the value that you delivered and conclude the project with gratitude, positivity and professionalism.

Wishing you all great success as you close out your next project on a high note.

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